
February 24, 2025

Film Screening Crossing

  Film Screening : Crossing Saturday March 1 @ 3pm About a year ago I started to listen to the Turkish folk singer Selda Bağcan on a very heavy rotation. She is often referred to as “the bitter sound of Turkish people” due to the emotional quality of her vocals. I remember it matching the bittersweet mood that I was already settled into. When I watched Crossing for the first time, there was a scene in which the main character Lia (played by Mzia Arabuli) is walking through Istanbul alone, there’s a look in her face of deep nostalgia, as though she’s reliving memories from when she visited the city as a child; this scene is accompanied by Selda Bağcan in the soundtrack. There is a depth to this scene in which the narrative is ushered more by emotion than by words, […]
December 29, 2024

Performance: works in process

Performance: works in process Movement – Matthew Rock Cello – Daniel Levin Friday January 17, 7:30pm $10 Suggested Donation Matthew Rock (Pinehurst, NC) has performed, choreographed, and presented his works in venues and theaters all along the Eastern US. Matthew’s works were selected for the 34th Annual Choreographer’s Showcase in DC, Atlas Dance Festival 2017, Wake Forest Dance Festival 2018, and NCDF 2019 and 2024. He produced his own dance festival, Weymouth in Motion in 2021 and 2022 in Southern Pines, NC. As artistic director of MARO Movement, his works provide different insights and perspectives on current societal events and human experiences through athleticism and artistry. Dancing with companies such as ArasDance, Jane Franklin Dance, and Light Switch Dance Theatre and under the instruction of various renowned dance artists, he has received a versatile education. Matthew graduated from the University of North […]
April 22, 2024

Drawing Room Invitational

Drawing Room Invitational Opening on Friday, April 5th, 6-9pm Open Saturdays & Sundays 1-5 until May 25th  the nothing that is – Chapter 6 : Drawing Room Invitational – a queer, trans, non binary, 2 spirit, plwa drawing summit/ conclave opening at Lump on April 5th. “So back in 2015, I curated the nothing that is (a drawing show in 5 parts) at CAM Raleigh. The exhibition then traveled to the Carnegie in Cincinnati and picked up drawers along the way. I’ve been thinking a lot about that show in recent years and I never felt it was complete and hopefully it will never be.  I started drawing room (a queer, nomadic, drawing initiative) in 2016 and I decided to add two more chapters.” -Bill Thelen Chapter 6 investigates queer/trans/nonbinary/2spirit drawing strategies and is presented by drawing room for its Invitational. Chapter 6 opens next […]
December 1, 2023

Presenting: a live soundtrack to Agnieszka Holland’s Total Eclipse

Presenting: a live soundtrack to Agnieszka Holland’s Total Eclipse Saturday December 16 Doors at 7pm, Film at 7:30pm Erotic, dramatic, and steeped in absinthe… this cinematic gem is based on the life of the poet and pre-punk, Arthur Rimbaud who changed the face of poetry forever. Written directly from letters and poems exchanged between Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine, this film gives a historically accurate depiction of their torrential romance and creative ambitions. This showing of Total Eclipse will be accompanied by a live, original soundtrack performed by avant-garde musicians hailing from all corners of North Carolina. Featuring the sounds of: Brief Being (Greenville River), Chanelle Allesandre (Garner Meadow), Glyn Maier (Pisgah Forest), and Fossilized Wilderness (Cedar Village). With an introduction and reading from local poet: Marta Núñez-Pouzols. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio & David Thewlis. 111 minutes. Rated R.
December 1, 2023

Small School Workshop: Travis Neel

Decentering the Human How can we develop an arts practice that contributes to the mutual flourishing of both the human and more-than-human? Using plant-based artistic practices as a point of departure, we will critically analyze the relationship of plants and people. In doing so, we will explore how art, scientific materialism and traditional ecological knowledge frame our understanding of nature. This workshop will help you understand the connections between the social, ecological and cultural issues in your creative practice. 4-530pm Friday, December 8 at Lump Erin Charpentier and Travis Neel work at the intersection of socially engaged art and urban ecology. Collaboratively they utilize art as a framework to understand the keystone role that humans play in our landscapes. Currently, their work centers the Honey Mesquite—the charismatic, thorny and creative protagonist of the Llano Estacado’s ecological theater. In an attempt […]
October 17, 2023

Cave Homo + Drawing Room After Party

American Standard After Party Saturday, October 21, 9pm Join us!  If the gate is down, enter through the back.  Music by Orchid Dealer, Cornelius Von Strafin III, Wetness, Pushups, Mike Geary, Charlie Hearon. Co-hosted by Drawing Room and Cave Homo.
July 4, 2023

Discourse and Dialogue

Discourse and Dialogue: “9.5 Theses on Art and Class” Wednesday July 12th 7 – 8:30 pm On the evening of July 12th, LUMP will host Discourse and Dialogue, a roving monthly in-depth discussion about artwork, philosophies and the art world at large, organized by artist Jean Gray Moh. Anyone is welcome to join in on the conversation at any time. The focus of this discussion will be “9.5 Theses on Art and Class” a 2013 essay written by art critic Ben Davis, and we will be joined by Kathryn Desplanque along with Jean Gray Moh. This essay reframes the dynamics of the art world, especially the relationship between artists and the art market, in Marxist terms through class analysis. Unafraid to challenge art world assumptions and posturing, 9.5 Theses invites artists, art organizers, and art administrators to reconsider whether our actions […]
May 29, 2023

Small School Artist Talks + Workshop

Thursday June 8 Erik Brandt: Ficciones Typografika Artist talk  (registration) 6pm Saturday June 10, Workshop with Erik Brandt  (registration) 9-11am Thursday June 22 Don Crow: The Spaces Between Two Things (registration) 6-7pm Friday June 23 5-6pm: Conversation between Don Crow and Annie Blazejack and Geddes Levenson about their current exhibition (registration) 5-6pm Small School is an art-based, alternative education platform.  Currently Small School is serving Raleigh by providing opportunities to directly engage with prominent national and international visiting artists through artist talks and small group workshops.  Erik Brandt is a graphic designer and educator currently based in Minneapolis and runs a studio called Typografika.  Don Crow is a teacher, painter and collage artist based in Richmond, VA.  Crow’s fragile paper collages, large digital prints and abstract paintings draw attention to objects as obvious constructions and invisible processes. This series is free, please register at […]
July 18, 2022

Story Sharing Event

STORY SHARING EVENT Friday. July 22nd, 7:30-9pm Abortion Stories 2022, is an interactive art project, founded by Cassandra Neyenesch @CassandraNeyenesch and Carolina Franco @dra.wc_franco, that will provide Lump as a safe, non-judgmental space for anyone who feels moved to share their personal abortion story. You will not be recorded without your permission, but you may indicate in the notes section of the sign-up form (linked below), whether or not you consent to have your story documented, in video or audio form. The story telling event is for absolutely anyone who wants to share their experience with abortion, regardless of whether they have been pregnant or not. Those who prefer to tell their story privately, have the option to share it with a listener, one-on-one. You can explore more about this ongoing project, HERE. and HERE. We are especially welcoming of people with identities that are disproportionately affected in the abortion struggle: BiPOC, […]
June 1, 2022

Lump in the Night – June 3rd

LUMP IN THE NIGHT Repo Man / Street Trash Friday, June 3rd, 8pm. We’re scraping the bottom of the burn barrel with this double feature, and we’ve never been more excited. It starts with Repo Man, Alex Cox’s cult masterwork, the soundtrack of which offers an impeccable tasting menu of mid 80’s LA, punk and hardcore, while lampooning Scientology through the eyes of Otto, an insolent punk-turned car repossession agent. Then, for the real horror heads, we’ll go lowbrow raunch with, Street Trash, a uniquely sordid flick about a stray shipment of toxic ripple that blows street bums into neon rainbows of viscera. Totally offensive. Totally gross. If you haven’t seen either one of these flicks, you should wonder why they were kept from you, then put your shoes on, this Friday, and hoof it to Lump for the fix. […]