Strictly Voluntary

Strictly Voluntary

September 9th through October 9th

This might be one of the best Lump shows of the year. We all know that Lump is an artist-run space, but did you know that the person who peers from behind the desk at the back of the gallery, also makes precariously balanced sculptures out of hand-made, wooden blocks? Or, has been collaborating with the same creative partner since the 4th grade? Or, makes paintings based entirely on a fascination with cheap, metallic barrettes? This show presents a handful of Lump’s volunteer army; the people who keep the doors open (almost) every weekend, year-round. Without these folks, the schedule would be totally erratic, the art would hang lopsided, and there would be no toilet paper, just when you need it the most. But the indomitable quality of the work in this show reminds us that Lump’s volunteers don’t just keep watch. They are not only custodians. They are top-notch artists. Their creative vision aligns with Lump’s mission, and they’re willing to sacrifice the time, the blood, the sweat and the tears to keep both alive.