This is a one weekend event.
Plugged In -a group of young artists who may have their fingers on the pulse of contemporary culture also have a lot of things plugged in to the wall.
Chris Musina: Culture red in tooth and claw. Using the culture of nature to explore the nature of culture.
Lee Delegard uses ideas of play, experimentation, exploration, process, and discovery, in order to investigate the fluidity of her own subjectivity, as well as the constantly shifting meta-narrative of which that is one small part.
The painter Jason E Osborne has often been referred to as the ‘elevator operator’ of art town.
Jonathan Sherrill: Paintings on unstretched canvas and transfer drawings. Flags, maps, schematics and the fragility of knowing.
Cora Lim: Everyday construction materials used to play on conscious experience. Surrealist forms that traverse between physical space and the illusory space of the mind.
Neill Prewitt: Bathing in the light of the telematic embrace.
Seoun Som: Spirits are all around us, but there is no spirit more important than the one within.
Ashley Florence’s work explores the photograph’s role and limitations in instigating, documenting, and framing narrative. The photographs on exhibit range from a bleeding leg to a fish in a child’s bucket to balloons on a three year old’s grave.
Lump is located at 505 S. Blount St, Raleigh, NC. More information about our mission and exhibition programs can be found at